Meetings & Information


Monday, September 9, 2013

Plainville: Get Out The Vote!!!

The plan for Monday and Tuesday: Get Out The Vote!!!

• If you can do some leafletting tomorrow or Tuesday in your neighborhood, please send your name, address, and phone to and we'll drop some leaflets off to you. It's important to get info out to as many people as possible.

• Please call or email every Plainville voter you know to ask them to vote NO SLOTS. This really does help. Even folks from surrounding towns can call or email and let your Plainville friends know why you hope they'll vote NO.

• If you can spend even an hour holding signs at the polls on Tuesday, please do. You can either let us know when you'll be there (, or just show up. 7-10 am, 11am - 1pm, and 4pm - 8pm are the busiest times. But we'd love to have you there any time during the day. You don't have to be from Plainville. Everyone is welcome. (And needed!) We'll be there with the signs.

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