Meetings & Information


Monday, July 9, 2012

Children and Gambling Addiction

SkyCity casino couple plead guilty over children

Published:  Friday June 15, 2012 Source: Fairfax

A couple who left their five children in a van in a SkyCity car park while they gambled have both pleaded guilty to charges today.

The children, whose ages ranged from five months to eight-years-old, were found alone in the casino's car park around 11am on February 26.

They had been locked in the van for about 45 minutes.

At the Auckland District Court today the couple, a man aged 39 and the woman, 29, both pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving a child under the age of 14 without adequate supervision.

They were granted interim name suppression to protect their oldest child who is at primary school.

The couple were remanded on bail to reappear in the court for sentencing in September.

The court heard both parents were currently in programmes. The mother is in an unnamed residential programme and has six months to go.

The father self referred himself to Friendship House where he is doing a stopping violence programme. He has also done four of 18 problem gambling counselling sessions.

After the children were freed from the van SkyCity staff found their parents gambling in the casino.

The children were later placed in Child, Youth and Family care.

Parents charged with leaving children in casino carpark

Published:Tuesday April 17, 2012 Source: ONE News

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