Meetings & Information


Sunday, July 8, 2012

....being a good neighbor....

Sometimes, being a good neighbor involves more than complying with the law.

We received a call today that the drilling and blasting will start at Plainridge on Monday, July 9th. Blasting will go on for approximately one month (according to the letter that abutters received). Blasting operations will be conducted Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 10 AM.

On blasting days there will be 3 KEY audible warnings:

3 whistles: 5 minutes until blast.

2 whistles: 1 minute until blast.

1 whistle: all clear.

If you have any damage to your building(s), if you hear a blast outside of the designated hours, or if you have any other questions about the blasting, you can call the Building Inspector, Mark Bertonassi, at 508.695.3010 x12.

Only abutters (within 400') were notified, so please alert anyone you know who lives in the area but isn't an abutter. It can be quite frightening to hear explosions if you don't know what's happening.

Plainridge is always going on about how they're such "good neighbors", but they're doing the bare minimum to notify people about this blasting. They even kicked people out of their "Neighborhood Forum" last week unless those attending had an abutter's letter. The effects of blasting do not stop at 400'.

We'd better pay close attention to how Gary Piontkowski and the track are treating us right now: it’s a crystal ball into our future.



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