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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In America, problem gambling affects ~ 15 million

Gambling Addiction
Excessive gambling has become a major problem in the United States. It is estimated that in America alone, problematic gambling affects approximately 15 million people, with more than 3 million of these people being considered severe problem gamblers, gambling addicts or compulsive gamblers. Gambling addiction can lead to severe financial crisis, but it also has a strain on relationships and careers as well. Individuals with gambling addictions are much more likely to suffer from substance abuse disorders and other behavioral addictions. Luckily, problem gambling and gambling addiction are treatable at centers such as Passages Malibu and Passages Ventura.

Problematic or excessive gambling becomes a full blown addiction when the gambler can’t control their impulse to gamble, and they keep repeating their actions even when they know their gambling is hurting themselves or their loved ones. They keep repeating various gambling-related negative and damaging behaviors, no matter the consequences. Compulsive gamblers keep gambling regardless of whether they’re up or down, whether they have lost all their money, or even if they are feeling depressed about their actions. Cognitive behavioral therapy, individual psychotherapy, marriage and family therapy, hypnotherapy and life purpose counseling are just one of the many treatment modalities offered at Passages to help problem gamblers. If you’re addicted to gambling or are continuing to gamble despite serious consequences, Passages can help.

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