Meetings & Information


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Due to budget cuts, gambling addicts lost help they needed

Due to budget cuts, gambling addicts lost help they needed

We all have heard that Gov. Rick Scott vetoed over $615 million of special-interest earmarks from next year's budget before signing it.

The truth is $569,000 of the $615 million vetoed was allocated by the Legislature for the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling outreach activities. With the loss in funding, there will be no advertising of the confidential HelpLine and no prevention to Floridians across the state.

There will be barely enough funding to sustain the operations of the statewide Gambling HelpLine itself.

How are people struggling with gambling addiction supposed to know where to seek help? Many people who call the HelpLine have lost everything and are suicidal. If the Legislature does not override Gov. Scott's vetoes, Floridians will be unaware of how to seek help.

As a FCCG treatment provider, I treat problem gamblers and their family members. I know firsthand the heartbreaking stories of real people with real addictions to gambling.

Please contact your local legislators today and ask them to override Gov. Scott's veto of $569,000 of lottery discretionary funds that were appropriated by the Legislature for compulsive gambling outreach and prevention in Florida for fiscal year 2011-12.

Dr. William "Terry" Ganaway, North Palm Beach

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