Meetings & Information


Thursday, June 16, 2011

DeLeo: Same Old, Same Old, Ignoring Tornado Victims

House Speaker "Racino" DeLeo, to outward appearances, has experienced a sudden epiphany [after recommending incompetents and "No Shows" for Probation Dept. jobs, inter alia] when confronted with the reality after the DiMasi verdict that those 'back room deals' and secret promises can lead to prison.

This is the Speaker who doled out Chairmanships [translation: extra pay, more staff, bigger offices] based on blind obedience and not competence.

The budget was passed with NO DEBATE, after being discussed behind closed doors. Transparency? You jest!

And the final vote on the Slot Barn legislation passed on July 31st, 2010, with no debate with few members of either House wasting their time informing themselves of its contents which included ERRATA - pages of errors concocted in closed door meetings.

And Mr. Speaker is too busy genuflecting before vested interests to get the Bottle Bill passed - one measure that would save municipalities money in solid waste disposal.

Below is the Speaker's public comment and most surely gagged on its content [wonder who wrote it for him?]:

A Statement from House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo

“Today‟s news delivers a powerful blow to the public‟s trust in government. I don‟t think I can imagine anything more damaging than the idea that the defendant‟s conduct was nothing other than „business as usual‟ on Beacon Hill. This was definitely not business as usual – and it is a slur on every hardworking public servant to suggest otherwise.

“One of the things that I find most disturbing – and the thing I am most committed to changing – is the public‟s view of politicians and public sector employees. This conviction makes that job no easier.

“What came out at trial was deeply troubling. I feel angry and disappointed.

“Given the cumulative effect of recent cases of public corruption, I understand the negative feelings many have for public officials right now. That is something we are working to change. Our efforts over the past couple of years have been focused on government reforms that make our work and our decisions more transparent and ensure that we can be held accountable for what we do on behalf of the taxpaying public.

“As we move away from this verdict – in our actions and in our deeds – we will work to restore the public‟s faith that public servants can be counted on to work for the greater good. I intend to lead by example.”

This is the Speaker who paralyzed Beacon Hill during the last legislative session while he remained closeted, having his ego stroked by Gambling Industry Lobbyists and was obsessed with the Glitz and Cash of a Slot Barn in his district.

Instead of focusing on his JOB, the People's House, remember this?

Massachusetts House leaders to huddle in Amherst on casinos....

Even the Taunton Gazette criticized in:

OUR VIEW: Slow action on Beacon Hill hurting Massachusetts...

Beacon Hill's Sleazy Conduct is writ large with the conviction of former Speaker DiMasi, but there are no clean hands, Mr. DeLeo.

We have residents of the Commonwealth suffering, traumatized, homeless, having lost EVERYTHING - homes, mementos, pictures, family treasures of strictly sentimental value, memories as a result of the devastating tornadoes.

And what are the Beacon Hill Clowns discussing? Slot Barns!

Governor Deval Patrick, who did himself no service testifying about his willingness to "Go Along, to Get Along" and signed onto the Cognos deal, is cavorting with House Speaker "Racino" DeLeo in much the same fashion. This after the Governor secretly met with a group and seemingly promising a 'state land into trust' slot barn deal in Freetown.

Governor, You spent $189,000 hard earned taxpayer dollars conducting a lopsided BENEFIT Analysis filled with exaggerated claims of jobs and revenues, but where is the INDEPENDENT COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS that has never been conducted?

Some articles about the DiMasi decision:
DeLeo distances himself from DiMasi
Speaker’s statement doesn’t mention his mentor by name
DeLeo’s caustic statement was a marked departure from earlier this year when he invited DiMasi and two other former speakers, Thomas Finneran and Charles Flaherty, to attend DeLeo’s reelection and swearing in as speaker. At that time, DiMasi was preparing to stand trial, while Flaherty and Finneran had both been convicted.

Picture of corruption

With DiMasi’s disgrace, it’s time to end the imperial speakership
DiMasi found guilty of corruption, maintains innocence
By Steve LeBlanc and Bob Salsberg, Associated Press
Graphic: DiMasi Trial Verdicts
By Jesse Costa
Former AG Harshbarger: Beacon Hill Has Culture Of Corruption
By Bob Oakes
Scott Harshbarger, a two-term state attorney general, and the former CEO of Common Cause in Washington, D.C., had harsh words for the business as usual on Beacon Hill.

“The fact is that the culture is such that people don’t say no,” Harshbarger said. “This is not just about one person. It is about a culture that has been created that does not invite debate, does not invite dissent, does not invite open and accountable government. And we are all paying a price for that.”

It wouldn’t take a huge effort to turn around that culture of entitlement on Beacon Hill, Harsharger said.

“Its about the character of the leadership here,” Harshbarger said “Are they going to insist that there is open accountable honest integrity in terms of the performance of the public interest?”

House leadership, Harshbarger said, has to say “this is now going to be the people’s house.”

Ex-speaker blasts conviction
Guilty of 7 charges, Dimasi vows to appeal
By Laurel J. Sweet

Robert DeLeo escaped taint of mentor’s crimes

Let's not forget who elects the Speaker like Bobble Heads.

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