Meetings & Information


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

We need to talk: THE GAMBLING INDUSTRY'S DIRTY LITTLE SECRET & insider scoops?


When this blog was begun, one reason was because NO ONE collected articles or addressed SUICIDE by Gambling Addicts - the invisible COST the Gambling Industry wants to pretend doesn't exist.

Few articles hit the news -- more media silence, pretending it doesn't exist! 

[On the right, you'll find a category that addresses the few public articles about the issues. At the bottom of each page, click 'Older Posts' to see additional articles.]

SUICIDE by Gambling Addicts is REAL, yet remains a hidden cost because of the silent media prostituting itself for Gambling Advertising Revenue.

Great article:

A Dirty Secret: Suicides at casinos

David McKee is a casino shill who knows, excuses and explains the Predatory Industry, frequently without comprehension of New England or Massachusetts.

He clearly failed to grasp that Martha Coakley has ignored Sticky Fingers Piontkowski, lacks the backbone to stand up to the Gambling Industry and simply sticks her finger in the wind to see what makes the greatest political sense ---- never mind her current AG job!

Interesting read nonetheless:

Massachusetts slams Mohegans, Foxwoods; Mohegan slams Wynn
By David McKee ~ February 11th, 2014
The incestuous business explained:


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