Meetings & Information


Saturday, February 22, 2014

...move toward privatization is unnerving.....

As it is, not all casino crimes are reported to protect the Predatory Gambling Industry and downplay CRIME.

The scenario is easy to envision: not all CRIME will be reported, invested, enforced and prosecuted.

It's a given that there will be abuse and harm caused by untrained 'security.'

Massachusetts 'GAMING' Future

How much do you think these outside private firms care about the health and well-being of the casino patrons gambling in your state?

Associated Press - February 21, 2014 - States outsource casino policing to private firms...

LAS VEGAS (AP) — As more states embrace legalized gambling around the country, some are hiring private companies to draft regulations and vet casinos. At the same time, these companies work the other side of the fence, helping casinos enter new markets and lobbying for their interests.

States hoping to make money quickly from gambling have few options as speedy as using outside contractors, which allows them to get casinos up and running without having to train a cadre of staff regulators.

Letting companies with deep ties to the gambling industry decide how casinos are run — and who runs them — is a departure from how more established gambling states, including Nevada and New Jersey, do things.

Regulators in states that maintain control over their own rules say the move toward privatization is unnerving.

Massachusetts 'GAMING' Future

How much do you think these outside private firms care about the health and well-being of the casino patrons gambling in your state?  

Associated Press - February 21, 2014 - States outsource casino policing to private firms

LAS VEGAS (AP) — As more states embrace legalized gambling around the country, some are hiring private companies to draft regulations and vet casinos. At the same time, these companies work the other side of the fence, helping casinos enter new markets and lobbying for their interests.

States hoping to make money quickly from gambling have few options as speedy as using outside contractors, which allows them to get casinos up and running without having to train a cadre of staff regulators.

Letting companies with deep ties to the gambling industry decide how casinos are run — and who runs them — is a departure from how more established gambling states, including Nevada and New Jersey, do things.

Regulators in states that maintain control over their own rules say the move toward privatization is unnerving.

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