Meetings & Information


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Throw The Last Punch!

We're almost there, but need you!

Hi Folks,

I grew up in East Boston and every once in a while I found myself in a confrontation with one bully or another. One day, I came home with a black eye and bloodied nose. I explained to my father what had happened and he asked why I didn't defend myself. You see, he had always taught me never to hit anyone in anger. That day he clarified things for me, "Son, you should never throw the first punch but you should always throw the last one." Well let's just say that advice changed the social dynamic around the neighborhood.

We didn't start this fight. We didn't bring casino gambling to Massachusetts. We didn't pass the law that will wreak havoc on our neighborhoods and small businesses. We didn't start this fight but we are ready to finish it. We're ready to throw the last punch.

The victories in East Boston and Palmer over this casino bully are PROOF POSITIVE that the power rests with The People. There's only one question that remains: "Are you willing to stand up to this bully, once and for all!"

Those of us that have been fighting these bullies can't finish them off on our own. We need your help this final weekend to STOP CASINOS FOR GOOD!

We need you to do three things right away:

  1. Donate: $200 gets us 100 signatures from a paid signature gatherer.
  2. Sign up to collect signatures at your neighborhood grocery store or in a town nearby... Let Brian and Mohona (cc'd on this e-mail) know you're availability and we'll plug you in to high traffic areas.
  3. Promote the site Your neighbors, co-workers, friends, and family can download and fill out their own copy of the petition and mail it back by priority mail or bring it into their town hall.

We can't do it without you!

All My Best,
John Ribeiro
Chairman, Committee To Repeal The Casino Deal
Winthrop, MA

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