Meetings & Information


Friday, November 15, 2013

Momentum is building and we need you now!

Folks – You soon will get a report on the press conference (and the outline of the comments) this AM in E. Boston –as a follow-up and building on the media coverage (see various links David and Kathleen have distributed) of the past couple of days on Braude and Fox 25, and the clips of the Governor’s “not in my backyard” response to a casino in Richmond, and the press coverage of the “Emperor has no Clothes” MGC hearings on Milford and the outrageous flouting of the law by Suffolk Downs.

But I wanted to offer you my brief perspective on it so you understand why I firmly believe that, with your continued hard work as citizen activists and leaders, and the continued funding so many folks have been contributing (in whatever amounts they can afford).

Organized by the outstanding work of Melwood Global (Jon and Chris in attendance), there were at least 5 cameras and several print and radio reporters –and they got a show! Excellent comments by our citizen activist heroes, John Ribeiro and Celeste Myers; a rousing, substantive set of powerful economic and community culture arguments and sound bites from the Mayor of Somerville, Joe Curtatone (who should go on the road for us now and throughout this battle), strong advocacy for the potential (if we can be successful) for legislative repeal by Senator Will Brownsberger, and the public health, economic fairness, and “we can do better” examples from Bill Walczak, our Boston Mayoral hero. Plus effective Q & A responses from all of the above, but especially John, Celeste and Joe.

We are in a position, albeit still the underdogs, for “David’ to be fully equipped with facts and people power, and demonstrating that the more people know the less they support this failed public policy initiative, to slay “Goliath,” as the “promises and benefits” of casinos/slots in MA are exposed as more and more obviously deceptive and elusive. Statewide candidates and existing elected leaders are beginning to realize how strong and wide is the citizen base of support for REPEAL, and beginning to figure out which way the wind is blowing in case it is in their interest to follow and ride the wave!

This weekend is critical. Thank you all will give of your time, energy, and money, to give the people the chance to vote. Excelsior!

Scott Harshbarger

Subject Line: Momentum is building and we need you now!
Dear Repeal The Casino Deal supporters,
Our campaign to Repeal The Casino Deal has seen a surge in donations, volunteers and support in the week since the voters in East Boston and Palmer rejected casino proposals in their communities. The voice of citizens at the ballot is reaffirms that we are on the path to defeating the state’s reckless casino law. We need your help now to get the signatures and funding necessary to get to the next step of placing the question to REPEAL on the November 2014 ballot.
Today, Saturday and Sunday are the most important days of our battle. We need you to collect signatures and donate any amount you can afford for us to reach the goal. We are within reach and we need to have a buffer to be sure the powerful casino interests do not come back at us and try to defeat us with lawyers picking apart raw signatures. We know they are relentless and casino crawl never, ever stops unless the law is repealed.
Go to to download petition papers and find out where you can go to collect signatures, now. Call Brian Ashmankas, Signature Coordinator with questions about where you can get signatures 617-701-7823. Donate. There is no time to wait.
“Although we have won in East Boston, the developers feel that they can circumvent the law and are proceeding as if they have been given the go ahead to do so,” Celeste Myers co-chair of No Eastie Casino said. “Even if they had not made the brazen steps to try to move ahead with their mad scramble for Gaming Commission approval, despite the will of the people and the democratic process, the law as written enables them to re-spin the plan and bring it before voters again within six months. We need to save other communities from this madness.”
Today, in East Boston a press conference was held to show our momentum. Leaders across the state are joining our grassroots group including our long-time champion former Attorney General Scott Harshbarger, Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone and state Sen. William Brownsberger, D-Belmont, joined former Boston mayoral candidate Bill Walczak in urging their supporters and voters in their regions to join in the effort.
“We are so pleased with the momentum we’ve seen but we also know the power of this entrenched, deep-pocketed industry,” said John Ribeiro, chairman of Repeal The Casino Deal (RTCD.) “We have them on the run but the money and greed that drive that industry will cause them to stop at nothing until there are slot barns and casinos dotting the Massachusetts landscape. That’s why our effort must continue.”
On behalf of the entire RTCD statewide team, I sincerely thank you for the work you have done and stepping-up for the final push.
John Ribeiro, Chair
Repeal The Casino Deal (RTCD)

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