Meetings & Information


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fake comments, fake supporters, all in the name of sneaking through a failed policy

From our friends at Stop Predatory Gambling:

Fake comments, fake supporters, all in the name of sneaking through a failed policy
by Les
Jessie Powell of Massachusetts, a citizen leader against the failed government policy of predatory gambling, recently spotlighted testimony about how predatory gambling interests paid a viral marketing firm to post fake comments on news websites to give the appearance of public support for electronic bingo machines. It was just one of the many revelations that has emerged from the massive scandal involving predatory gambling operators and the Alabama Legislature.

Why the deception? Because what predatory gambling interests – and the public officials who enable them – are really pushing is phony prosperity. They promote a “service” that deceives citizens and only survives legally because government is a partner. But just like with Enron, Countrywide Mortgage and Bernie Madoff, the time comes when the deception cannot be hidden any longer.

Predatory gambling is a failed policy and it will be one of the biggest issues of the new decade. When it ultimately goes down, there will not be anything fake about it.

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