Meetings & Information


Friday, June 22, 2012

Casinos .... also bring the devastating effects of gambling addiction

Casinos bring jobs, but they also bring the devastating effects of gambling addiction
Published: Friday, June 22, 2012
Other Voices

The Horseshoe Casino is expected to bring revenue and jobs to Cleveland, but what about the negative effects?

With the renovations in Tower City and the opening of new businesses downtown, jobs are being created for the younger generation and the casino is bringing more tourists to the city. With that said, do you think that the increased jobs and revenue will outweigh the debt that most people will put themselves in with the opening of the new casino?

Cleveland will soon transform into Detroit, with its high rates of foreclosure and crime. The number of individuals on government assistance will increase.

Besides its "volunteer exclusion" program, the casino needs to give gamblers tips on ways to gamble without losing all of their money or going into debt. For example, do not take any type of credit or debit card with you into the casino; give yourself a time limit on how long you are going to gamble; or even tell yourself once you win a specific amount you will leave. The more the casino assists gamblers with their addiction, the less the likelihood of Cleveland becoming like Detroit.

Marcya Betts, Shaker Heights

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