Meetings & Information


Monday, June 28, 2010

Senator Stanley Rosenberg: Trust Me?

Senator "Cha Ching" Murray, with her mind clearly made up, appointed Senator "Lap Dog" Rosenberg as her "Point Person" to travel around the country and to Canada on the taxpayers' dime to justify approving slot machine gambling in the Commonwealth.

Senator Rosenberg assures all who will listen without questioning his rhetoric that he's done his research, examined the issue and met with regulatory agencies, blah, blah, blah.

With all of those assurances, wouldn't a questioning person reasonably expect that Senator Rosenberg would post that taxpayer funded information on his web site?

Where is that taxpayer funded research we've heard so much about? To which communities did he travel? Where are the comparisons of crime and gambling addiction statistics? He proclaims that 'economic growth' can co-exist with casinos. Where?

While the Senator assures that Beacon Hill will 'get it right,' get what right? What are the problems you witnessed that you intend to prevent?

Offering LOANS?

The Senator was quoted as saying the following --

“This is a real issue, and we’re trying to find a solution. All I can say is, first things first: Get the bill signed into law and set up a regulatory agency. It will be 18 to 19 months before licenses get issued, and during that period of time we need to find a resolution to this.’’

Set up a REGULATORY AGENCY for which you can't even provide a cost?
Why the rush, Senator? To please the lobbyists who fill the Halls if it's going to take 18-19 months?


It sounds like another BIG DIG to me!

Senator, when you have failed to make this information publicly available, this isn't Rocket Science, now is it?

Senator, as a footnote, I called your office several times during this process and none of your staffers was familiar with United to Stop Slots in Massachusetts.

Maybe I'm wrong, but that tells me you frankly don't give a damn about the facts and the impacts or the voters. It might seem that you care more about the pending Chairmanship you've been promised for being a "Point Person." What a pity that you place serving yourself ahead of the disastrous legacy you'll leave the Commonwealth.

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