Meetings & Information


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Regarding the inaccurate information stated by Senator "Not Rocket Science" Rosenberg, a friend and regular reader responded --

In the Middleboro region we were lied to by "competent attorneys" also who failed to mention the Carcieri challenge which they knew about.

Before Carcieri v. Salazar, the state had an Indian gaming attorney testify at the 2008 casino hearings, and the best she could say was that in her mind, it was possible. IGA's make their money on Indian gaming and do not want to believe they could find themselves without half of their potential clients.

The BIA is staffed almost completely by Indians, and have repeatedly failed to acknowledge the Hawaii SCOTUS decision.

The Tribe is trying to scare the state, and the State eagerly complies.

I can't speak for Senator Spilka but Senator Morrissey was clueless about Carcieri v. Salazar at a late 2008 debate in New Bedford. He even admitted it once we clued him in.

Being an Attorney means nothing. We've been lied to by plenty of attorneys. There are competent attorneys who helped file and argue Carcieri v. Salazar.

The Mashpee can open a bingo hall (class II - on their own reservation land - if they have reservation land - which they don't) But what is the financial incentive? The Seminoles could not make a good profit with bingo and repeatedly tried to get slots, ad their nearest competitors were 600 miles, not 2 hours, away.

We've researched this exhaustively for 3 years - we are stakeholders - and others have researched it for 20.

It's not a difference of opinions - it's a senator who provides other senators with inaccurate information to fuel his private agenda.

A promised chairmanship perhaps?

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