Meetings & Information


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Once upon a time ....

Middleboro voters faithfully elected a Representative to Beacon Hill to act in their stead. He had a well known local name.

He managed to find the exotic location of Beacon Hill once or twice a year, usually when cranberry legislation was voted on. Voters never noticed and had no option on the ballot.

The Absent Representative enjoyed widespread support because he had no opposition, surely retiring on a cushy taxpayer funded pension for a no-show job.

Then, things changed.

Now, Middleboro enjoys being represented by 3 Representatives, one who sees fit to send his "aide" to all functions.

This lackluster Representative is the flip-flopping Representative William Straus.

Democracy is NOT a spectator sport. Maybe it's time to replace the invisible Straus with someone who will conduct his due diligence and actually represent the best interests of his constituents.

Honorable Rep. Straus:

In the years you have served as representative to 2 of Middleboro's
Precincts, I have seen you ONCE and sometimes wonder if I should
send a map.

Although you might not represent my district, we all understand
about the gerrymandering, so, from that perspective, you have
accepted the responsibility of representing my TOWN.

When the casino monster reared its ugly head in Middleboro,
you were no where to be seen. You were silent.

When I emailed information to you about the negative aspects
of 'casino' gambling, I found myself subscribed to your pretty
mind numbing newsletter.

And now this?

The current legislation, as proposed, whether House or Senate
version is FLAWED - grossly flawed.

Speaking solely as a novice, I can see the flaws that are ripe for
corruption and political influence. In the shadow of the Probation
reeks of patronage - political hacks and relatives.

That's just for starters.

To legalize slots, represents a major change in fiscal policy with which
I and many others heartily disagree.

This isn't about exotic and elegant 'resorts.' For $600 million, you get
a SLOT BARN, just as Sheldon Adelson constructed at Sands

Senator Rosenberg has acknowledged publicly that there is no legal
manner to limit those SLOT PARLORS.

What is passed during this session, will exist for this session only.

The job numbers are overstated.

The revenue numbers are overstated.

Each is easily discredited and refuted.

I respectfully request that you consider the experience of other communities,
maybe even the disaster that is Atlantic City --

...the McKinsey report refers to it as fact, citing statistics that show the city’s violent crime rate in 2009 far exceeded the national average and trumps other cities such as Trenton and Biloxi, Miss, according to federal statisitics.

While you were snoozing for the last + 3 years, some of us
have been collecting statistics about slot parlors.

The poverty rate is higher in Atlantic City than pre-casino.
The unemployment has never been reduced below the national average.

Or - take a look at Las Vegas, with the nation's highest dropout rate,
the poorest educational attainment levels - lowest college graduation
rate, five times the national average for home foreclosures, among
the highest suicide rate - perhaps attributed to gambling addiction.

Is that what you're supporting?

Sometimes, instead of listening to gambling lobbyists, you also have to
look at yourself in the mirror.

Please give some thought to your support.


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