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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Indiana Casinos received stolen funds

Bookkeeper Steals $1.5 Million From Employer to Pay Off Casinos
She told authorities that she spent all the money.

Julie Nowaczyk has been charged with stealing more than $1,500,000 from her employer to pay off multiple debts owed to Indiana casinos on Thursday.

Nowaczyk, 50, of Chicago, worked as a bookkeeper for more than a decade at ENR General Machining Company. According to the Cook County Sheriff's Department, Nowaczyk wrote more than 300 checks to herself totaling more than $1 million.

But she didn't stop there.

She also paid off her husband's credit cards using fraudulent electronic transfer funds, totaling $490,000, according to a statement released by the Sheriff's Department.

Her scheme was foiled in July 2010, when her employer conducted an audit to see why it was losing so much money. It wasn't long before a paper trail led officials straight to Nowaczyk.

Records from several Indiana casinos also reveled that Nowaczyk lost about $1.4 million between 2006 and 2010.

Unfortunately for her employer, Nowaczyk said she spent all the money.

Nowaczyk appeared in court on Thursday where bond was set at $10,000.

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