Meetings & Information


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shoemaker: In Mexico, corruption Kills

Shoemaker: In Mexico, corruption Kills
By John Shoemaker/Local columnist
Posted Aug 12, 2012

I glimpsed at a horrible sight as we drove by it on a recent business trip to Monterrey, Mexico.

It was the horrific remains of a burned out casino in the heart of a major city.

White crosses in front of the Casino Royale with the names of victims inscribed on them – 52 in total, most of them women playing slot machines. It remains a crime scene untouched.

Members of the Zetas, a Mexican drug cartel fighting for control, had rolled up in broad daylight to the casino in several SUV’s and jumped out to set the front of the casino ablaze with gasoline. Panic stricken, those inside ran to the back to escape but got trapped with no exit.

The owners did not succumb to bribes fast enough.

Throughout Mexico there is a sense of helplessness even with a new government coming to power.

Many fear it will only get worse with the new party in power that had proven to be so corrupt for many years before finally electing President Fox and later, Calderon, to oust the PRI. Now they are back.

In many of Mexico’s cities, the feeling is strong that a third of the police are on a drug cartel’s payroll. “You simply cannot trust any of them”; I hear this repeated to me by so many from Mexico City to Ciudad del Carmen.

Worse, many government officials at local, state and federal levels are also on the payroll of crime families.

Drug crimes are nearly an everyday occurrence. In many countries, it is an accepted way of life.

Beyond drugs, crimes of all types flourish and often are supported by government officials.

It has been widely understood that the main reason for poor economic conditions and lack of real social progress in many countries around the world is simply due to relentless corruption in government and especially in the police organizations.

Fundamental to the problems facing countries like India, China, Mexico, Venezuela, Haiti, and so many countries of the Middle East, Africa and the Sub-Continent are doomed by endemic corruption.

This saps the energy, ambition and hope of citizens.

The wealthy city of Singapore is one well know exception. I have felt completely safe on Singapore’s streets at any hour; no drug problems. Yes, you have to give up some rights which would be unacceptable in the U.S., but the lesson is proven: when a society refuses to accept corruption, the ultimate benefit will be fundamental to that society’s future growth and development.

Studies have proven that when police forces are paid a good wage, they become less susceptible to corruption. When the police are not respected and paid low wages, the results are very predictable. Of course, a well paid police must also be supported by an independent, effective justice system.

In Mexico, they are reeling from all the guns coming into their country from America to support trade to Americans addicted by drugs. It is a vicious cycle and there seems no end in sight.

At least for America, the unrecognized success for our society really must be credited to our very competent and effective law enforcement organizations. Backed up by a solid criminal justice system, business can focus on doing business and ensure growth with jobs and economic prosperity in a fair playing field.

America is fortunate because the people not only want a professional police force, they will pay for it.
For those in Mexico, I feel their sense of resignation.

A reminder is given every day when they drive by the casino on the way to work in Monterrey and other cities with similar shrines. Many of them just give up and say those who died were just unlucky.

Unfortunately, luck has run out for over 50,000 in Mexico.

When I returned to Logan International Airport, I smiled at the first Massachusetts State Trooper I saw and saluted him.

John Shoemaker lives in Natick.

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