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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Guess who seldom loses money gambling?

Guess who seldom loses money gambling?
Charlie Butts

A new video hits the controversial topic of gambling and the government's response to it.

The group, Stop Predatory Gambling, has produced a video to answer the question of why the federal and state governments have done so little to stop gambling.

Les Bernal, who heads the organization, says, "I think the video, which we have titled 'The Smartest Guys Not in the Room,' goes right to the heart of one of government's biggest failed public policies in the last 40 years. Here you have government across the country, pretty much every state in America, aggressively pushing people into deeper debt and creating addiction in order to feed off it by promoting gambling -- very extreme forms of gambling -- as a way to fund public services."

The devastation is not just to individuals, but to families as well, he says.

"There's not another issue in America that better represents this whole theme about the unfairness of government today, the unfairness of American society," the spokesman says. "There's nothing that represents how America is more unfair, especially to America's families, than the government program of predatory gambling."

According to the group's website, "Predatory gambling has created a Lottery Class in America. While most of us save and invest money in retirement accounts and 529 college funds for our kids, government is turning hundreds of thousands of people who are small earners with the potential to be small savers into a new class of habitual bettors -- the Lottery Class."

According to the new video, the only people who never or rarely lose money in casinos are those who do not frequent casinos -- and ironically, that includes casino owners.

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