Meetings & Information


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gambling Opposition Made Simple

Gambling is a business that drains the economy, it does not bolster it: Independent research has shown that for every $1 earned in revenue from casinos, $3 is spent in the costs associated with them. “Gambling in America : Costs and Benefits”. Gringols, Earl PH.D. 2005.

Gambling is no substitute for a reasonable tax policy: The Governor claims that adding three mega casinos is just one piece of the solution for our fiscal challenges. Yet, not one state in this country has ever solved its budget problems with gambling revenues. Last year, New Jersey , with its 17 casinos, had to shut down its state government due to a budget crisis.

Governor Corizne signs executive order for orderly shutdown of government operations, Office of the Governor press release, July 1, 2006.

Casinos will not bring an economic multiplier effect to our area: Cities like Atlantic City and Detroit and States such as Louisiana and Mississippi continue to languish despite their heavy concentration of casinos. If the casinos were good economic development as their proponents say, then The Boston Business Journal would not be strongly editorializing against them. Casinos lower a region’s standard of living by attracting many low wage casino jobs and merely act as a jobs transfer, not a job creator.

“Gambling numbers don’t add up.” The Boston Business Journal, September 21, 2007. Pg 63.


It's time for Massachusetts to follow New Hampshire's lead and appoint a Blue Ribbon Commission.

Job Creation: Minimum Wage Jobs?
Low Paying Jobs With "Racinos" or The Mad Hatter's Tea Party

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