Meetings & Information


Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Republican?

To no one's surprise, The Republican came out today in favor of casinos. Here's what I wrote in their comment section:
Is this really the best reason the Republican could come up with for supporting casinos -- that Springfield voters already voted "Yes" on it? Really?
If it were true that all the harm casinos bring could be contained within a city's borders, we'd all be glad to let Springfield have their way. But we all know that the harm spreads far beyond city lines and impacts neighbor after neighbor, community after community, business after business.
This weak endorsement sounds to me like they're having second thoughts, but have no credible way out of the cheerleading web they've weaved these past 2 years.
Be sure to read The Republican's 2008 OPPOSITION editorial (see below for text). You'll see many more clear and definitive reasons expressed for their opposition to casinos. Kind of makes you wonder how they took such a drastic 180 degree turn, doesn't it?

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